Overly Attached Girlfriend

I love to be with you 24/7 I'd love to be a baby in your stomach

I love to be with you 24/7 I'd love to be a baby in your stomach  Overly Attached Girlfriend

I have this weird feeling That we're going to be married in 5 years

I have this weird feeling That we're going to be married in 5 years  Overly Attached Girlfriend

this is crazy, But here's my number So call me, maybe?

this is crazy, But here's my number So call me, maybe?  Overly Attached Girlfriend

Fuck it, At least she loves me.

Fuck it, At least she loves me.  Overly Attached Girlfriend

oh, you don't like me or even know who i am? that's ok, i have love potion.

oh, you don't like me or even know who i am? that's ok, i have love potion.  Overly Attached Girlfriend

I want us to spend every moment together that's why I had dual toilets installed

I want us to spend every moment together that's why I had dual toilets installed  Overly Attached Girlfriend

Give me one of your shirts so i can have your smell

Give me one of your shirts so i can have your smell  Overly Attached Girlfriend

LOL these are cute Do you think she's cuter than me!?

LOL these are cute Do you think she's cuter than me!?  Overly Attached Girlfriend

Shows girlfriend overly obsessive girlfriend meme gives her ideas

Shows girlfriend overly obsessive girlfriend meme gives her ideas  Overly Attached Girlfriend

Birth control made me crazy and i'm allergic to latex

Birth control made me crazy and i'm allergic to latex  Overly Attached Girlfriend
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