Overly Attached Girlfriend

I sewed my name on your shirts in case you forget you're taken

I sewed my name on your shirts in case you forget you're taken  Overly Attached Girlfriend

I will kill you if you cheat on me now let's make love

I will kill you if you cheat on me now let's make love  Overly Attached Girlfriend

thanks for showing me a wonderful time tonight when i get home i'm going to pick out names for our future children

thanks for showing me a wonderful time tonight when i get home i'm going to pick out names for our future children  Overly Attached Girlfriend

Oh, you don't want to have alot of kids? It's ok I'll just fuck you in your sleep.

Oh, you don't want to have alot of kids? It's ok I'll just fuck you in your sleep.  Overly Attached Girlfriend

loves her more then anything else what else do you love and what is her fucking name?!

loves her more then anything else what else do you love and what is her fucking name?!  Overly Attached Girlfriend

Just ride the hype while you can To get karma, fuckers!

Just ride the hype while you can To get karma, fuckers!  Overly Attached Girlfriend

Why does your phone ring when i am not calling you?

Why does your 
phone ring when i am not 
calling you?  Overly Attached Girlfriend

how are we going to get married if you don't believe in god?

how are we going to get married if you don't believe in god?  Overly Attached Girlfriend

i found my baby pictures our kids are going to be the cutest

i found my baby pictures our kids are going to be the cutest  Overly Attached Girlfriend

I used the sock you masturbate in to get myself pregnant Now we can stay together.

I used the sock you masturbate in to get myself pregnant Now we can stay together.  Overly Attached Girlfriend
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