Overly Attached Girlfriend

On first date "Enough about me, lets talk about us."

On first date

i know i should've stayed in r/adviceanimals but i wanted to follow you all around reddit

i know i should've stayed in r/adviceanimals but i wanted to follow you all around reddit  Overly Attached Girlfriend

hey little girl hes mine, back the fuck off or ill stab you 32 times with a fucking dull knife

hey little girl hes mine, back the fuck off or ill stab you 32 times with a fucking dull knife  Overly Attached Girlfriend

Jontron uploads one game grumps on 9/7/2012 I'll just stay on youtube until he uploads the second.

Jontron uploads one game grumps on 9/7/2012 I'll just stay on youtube until he uploads the second.  Overly Attached Girlfriend

I can't get close enough to you I wish I could cut you open and cuddle your insides

I can't get close enough to you I wish I could cut you open and cuddle your insides  Overly Attached Girlfriend

"tattoo my name on your penis" "so you'll think of me when jerking off"

I know you're not sleeping yet WhatsApp said you're online

I know you're not sleeping yet WhatsApp said you're online  Overly Attached Girlfriend

Today's our 9 month anniversary That's the same as the gestation period of a baby

Today's our 9 month anniversary
 That's the same as the gestation period of a baby  Overly Attached Girlfriend

I wish we were joined at the hip Literally

I wish we were joined at the hip Literally  Overly Attached Girlfriend

My face When Adam Young is featured on a song

My face When Adam Young is featured on a song  Overly Attached Girlfriend
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