Overly Attached Girlfriend

gets a new phone saves old one to read all past conversations

gets a new phone saves old one to read all past conversations  Overly Attached Girlfriend

If you don't think of me when you masturbate It means your cheating on me

If you don't think of me when you masturbate It means your cheating on me  Overly Attached Girlfriend

This iced tea tastes how old spice smells now i can pretend im drinking you

This iced tea tastes how old spice smells now i can pretend im drinking you  Overly Attached Girlfriend

Let's not hang up so I can hear you breathe

Let's not hang up so I can hear you breathe  Overly Attached Girlfriend

Super glued her eyelids open So she can always keep her eyes on you, even when she sleeps

Super glued her eyelids open So she can always keep her eyes on you, even when she sleeps  Overly Attached Girlfriend

I want you to get fat so no one else will want you

I want you to get fat so no one else will want you  Overly Attached Girlfriend

I wish that you would apologize For cheating on me in my dream last night

I wish that you would apologize For cheating on me in my dream last night  Overly Attached Girlfriend

makes you dessert HAIR PIE

makes you dessert HAIR PIE  Overly Attached Girlfriend

You're a redditor? I just made the front page like ten times

You're a redditor? I just made the front page like ten times  Overly Attached Girlfriend

moved away for college 3 hours away why aren't you coming over tonight

moved away for college 3 hours away why aren't you coming over tonight  Overly Attached Girlfriend
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