Overconfident Alcoholic Depression Guy


  Overconfident Alcoholic Depression Guy

We are finally finished with Exams. Now I am feeling relieved. We have a History UT on Monday. But... Exams...

We are finally finished with Exams. Now I am feeling relieved. We have a History UT on Monday. But... Exams...  Overconfident Alcoholic Depression Guy

I want the IPOD 5 gen, the iphone 5 is shit You can't afford either of them But I want the new Ipod....

I want the IPOD 5 gen, the iphone 5 is shit You can't afford either of them But I want the new Ipod....  Overconfident Alcoholic Depression Guy

Soy Bromatologa no Farmaceutica Eres Quimica, debes saberlo, es cultura general Pero... Puedo hacer chorizo

Soy Bromatologa no Farmaceutica Eres Quimica, debes saberlo, es cultura general Pero... Puedo hacer chorizo  Overconfident Alcoholic Depression Guy

i like fluid classes surprise exam But.. ..I studied..

i like fluid classes surprise exam But.. ..I studied..  Overconfident Alcoholic Depression Guy

EL Programa del Partido Comunista claramente indica el camino para empoderar a los ciudadanos... Y ahora como apoyan a Bachellet y ella es financiada por Luksik y Paullman y Monsanto, en el fondo apoyan a la extrema derecha de Chile Pero... El programa.

EL Programa del Partido Comunista claramente indica el camino para empoderar a los  ciudadanos... Y ahora como apoyan a Bachellet y  ella es financiada por Luksik y Paullman y Monsanto, en el fondo apoyan a la extrema derecha de Chile Pero... El programa.  Overconfident Alcoholic Depression Guy

I love DBZ Name one move besides the Kamehameha But.. ..Its over 9000..

I love DBZ Name one move besides the Kamehameha But.. ..Its over 9000..  Overconfident Alcoholic Depression Guy

I found the cure for cancer... ...for frogs But I... I found a cure...

I found the cure for cancer... ...for frogs But I... I found a cure...  Overconfident Alcoholic Depression Guy

My interactive rage comic, Mysteries, got featured Perplexity's was more complex and better But.. Over 200k likes... ...and I'm the original creator of them

My interactive rage comic, Mysteries, got featured Perplexity's was more complex and better But.. Over 200k likes... ...and I'm the original creator of them  Overconfident Alcoholic Depression Guy

Well... I will start another MSc. abroad if I dont find a job Your government just devalued your currency 47% But... My dreams... My life...

I will start another MSc. 
abroad if I dont find a job Your government just devalued your currency 47% But... My dreams...
My life...  Overconfident Alcoholic Depression Guy
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