Over-Educated Problems

Can't tell if hulk speaking hindi in kolkata is a statement about intra-indian migrant labor or scriptwriters were dumbasses

Can't tell if hulk speaking hindi in kolkata is a statement about intra-indian migrant labor or scriptwriters were dumbasses   Over-Educated Problems

Finshed my masters with a double degree. still makes an 'l' to find left hand

Finshed my masters with a double degree. still makes an 'l' to find left hand  Over-Educated Problems

friends say they agree with the theory of evolution how can i tell them that their lamarckian views are wrong?

friends say they agree with the theory of evolution how can i tell them that their lamarckian views are wrong?  Over-Educated Problems

Reading improves my vocabulary No idea how the words are pronouned

Reading improves my vocabulary No idea how the words are pronouned  Over-Educated Problems

This meme is disgustingly condescending and i'm the only one smart enough to realize it

This meme is disgustingly condescending and i'm the only one smart enough to realize it  Over-Educated Problems

I have a good idea for a meme but no one will get it

I have a good idea for a meme but no one will get it  Over-Educated Problems

Majored in philosophy to answer life's big questions Only answers "Can I supersize that?"

Majored in philosophy to answer life's big questions Only answers

Most of these captions from obviously uneducated people

Most of these captions from obviously uneducated people  Over-Educated Problems

I would talk about these things with my peers But I have none.

I would talk about these
 things with my peers But I have none.  Over-Educated Problems

Wants to use this meme People think its really fucking pretentious

Wants to use this meme People think its really fucking pretentious  Over-Educated Problems
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