Over Confident Ginger

Went to buy a Kia Soul They said we only sell to people

Went to buy a Kia Soul They said we only sell to people  Over Confident Ginger

only country to be exiled from without ever going seoul

only country to be exiled from without ever going seoul   Over Confident Ginger

Have you ever seen a ginger snap?

Have you ever seen a ginger snap?  Over Confident Ginger

overly confident ginger zero value circle jerkin'

overly confident ginger zero value circle jerkin'  Over Confident Ginger

Yeah bro we're going bowling hits mr hodge's truck

Yeah bro we're going bowling hits mr hodge's truck  Over Confident Ginger

Obsessed with vampires Ineligible to become one

Obsessed with vampires Ineligible to become one  Over Confident Ginger

my mum bought me a frisbee for me and my only friend its called a boomerang

my mum bought me a frisbee for me and my only friend its called a boomerang  Over Confident Ginger

killing enemies in skyrim still can't fill a soul gem

killing enemies in skyrim still can't fill a soul gem  Over Confident Ginger

The devil went down to Georgia only found Gingers

The devil went down to Georgia  only found Gingers  Over Confident Ginger

Goes to a frat with 12 girls ISNt allowed in

Goes to a frat with 12 girls ISNt allowed in  Over Confident Ginger
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