Over Confident Ginger

What factor sun cream? paint

What factor sun cream? paint  Over Confident Ginger

Strolls through a field full of dementors No problem

Strolls through a field full of dementors No problem  Over Confident Ginger

Asked for a car for his 16th birthday Friends got him a Kia Soul

Asked for a car for his 16th birthday Friends got him a Kia Soul  Over Confident Ginger

I'm so ginger........ My farts smell like carrots

I'm so ginger........ My farts smell like carrots  Over Confident Ginger

given up for adoption no one at the pound will adopt him

given up for adoption no one at the pound will adopt him  Over Confident Ginger

Tries to hide during flashlight tag Skin reflects moonlight

Tries to hide during flashlight tag Skin reflects moonlight  Over Confident Ginger

waits for automatic doors to open waits forever

waits for automatic doors to open waits forever  Over Confident Ginger

Doesn't have soul Is a soldier

Doesn't have soul Is a soldier  Over Confident Ginger

No Soul, No Shirt And I still get service.

No Soul, No Shirt  And I still get service.   Over Confident Ginger

Goes to a Jazz concert Brought back to life Caption 3 goes here

Goes to a Jazz concert Brought back to life Caption 3 goes here  Over Confident Ginger
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