Ordinary Muslim Man

I'm a fucking Arab I stink I build sand castles I marry my cousin I believe in some stupid god who is a fuckin homo And you think you got the shortest stick try wearing my shoes with no soles for a day

I'm a fucking Arab I stink I build sand castles I marry my cousin I believe in some stupid god who is a fuckin homo And you think you got the shortest stick try wearing my shoes with no soles for a day  Ordinary Muslim Man

I'm gonna blow up this chart of next years earnings so you can see it better

I'm gonna blow up this chart of next years earnings so you can see it better  Ordinary Muslim Man

You are about to blow up when your new rap album comes out next week!

You are about to blow up when your new rap album comes out next week!  Ordinary Muslim Man

I would kill for new floor mats on my ford Fiesta

I would kill for new floor mats on my ford Fiesta   Ordinary Muslim Man

i bombed the plane graphing problem on my geometry midterm freahman year, so i had to go for extra help

i bombed the plane graphing problem on my geometry midterm freahman year, so i had to go for extra help  Ordinary Muslim Man

TERRORISTS WILL ALWAYS WIN On this bloody counter strike map

TERRORISTS WILL ALWAYS WIN On this bloody counter strike map  Ordinary Muslim Man

I use a bomb calorimeter to determine the heat changes for combustion reactions

I use a bomb calorimeter to determine the heat changes for combustion reactions  Ordinary Muslim Man

I just exploded a bomb in minesweeper again.

I just exploded a bomb  in minesweeper again.  Ordinary Muslim Man

Seek and destroy Is my favourite metallica song

Seek and destroy Is my favourite metallica song  Ordinary Muslim Man

i will never allow my daughter to get an education at a school with a creationism-based curriculum

i will never allow my daughter to get an education at a school with  a creationism-based curriculum  Ordinary Muslim Man
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