Ordinary Muslim Man

Looks like I am asking questions actually learning weaknesses

Looks like I am asking questions actually learning weaknesses  Ordinary Muslim Man

look in my eyes will u marry me

look in my eyes will u marry me  Ordinary Muslim Man

I hate you, christian slater. your movies are just awful

I hate you, christian slater. your movies are just awful  Ordinary Muslim Man

BISMILAAH lets eat

BISMILAAH lets eat   Ordinary Muslim Man

my fundamental beliefs are to make your own way in life through hard work and perseverance

my fundamental beliefs are to make your own way in life through hard work and perseverance  Ordinary Muslim Man

My son is a dog trainer at the local SPCA

My son is a dog trainer at the local SPCA  Ordinary Muslim Man

this plane is going down to hanger 6 for engine repair

this plane is going down to hanger 6 for engine repair  Ordinary Muslim Man

the two towers will fall! quick! prop it up next to return of the king!

the two towers will fall! quick! prop it up next to return of the king!  Ordinary Muslim Man

I'm going to explode with love for my intelligent wife

I'm going to explode with love for my intelligent wife  Ordinary Muslim Man

MY SON BLEW UP AN ARMY ant bed with fireworks, needless to say he is grounded.

MY SON BLEW UP AN ARMY ant bed with fireworks, needless to say he is grounded.  Ordinary Muslim Man
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