Ordinary Muslim Man

fine call the cops they cant un-rape you

fine call the cops they cant un-rape you  Ordinary Muslim Man

Thing were a bit crazy and I lost my pants

Thing were a bit crazy  and I lost my pants  Ordinary Muslim Man

about to explode with pride as my daughter has got her PHD

about to explode with pride as my daughter has got her PHD  Ordinary Muslim Man

Hello Need a hand?

Hello Need a hand?  Ordinary Muslim Man

i will bring death metal cds to work. i borrowed a slayer album from a colleague. it's okay.

i will bring death metal cds to work. i borrowed a slayer album from a colleague. it's okay.  Ordinary Muslim Man

Praise allah you for supporting my daughter's book fair

Praise allah you for supporting my daughter's book fair  Ordinary Muslim Man

we need another 9-11 dispatcher in our area

we need another 9-11 dispatcher in our area  Ordinary Muslim Man

my son created bomb in assassin's creed

my son created bomb in assassin's creed  Ordinary Muslim Man

I'm going to bomb All my Tests on Friday

I'm going to bomb All my Tests on Friday  Ordinary Muslim Man

Why am i not afraid to blow up??? YOLO

Why am i not afraid to blow  up??? YOLO  Ordinary Muslim Man
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