Ordinary Muslim Man

I prefer a little virgin about 8 years old would be nice

I prefer a little virgin about 8 years old would be nice
  Ordinary Muslim Man


IM GOING TO BLOW UP A Balloon  Ordinary Muslim Man

You will suffer infidel Castro's communist regime

You will suffer infidel Castro's communist regime  Ordinary Muslim Man

I'm making a car bomb Let's do shots

I'm making a car bomb Let's do shots  Ordinary Muslim Man

I will blow you up enough balloons for your daughter's birthday party.

I will blow you up enough balloons for your daughter's birthday party.  Ordinary Muslim Man

I am going to blow myself up and hopefully take some christians with me.

I am going to blow myself up and hopefully take some christians with me.  Ordinary Muslim Man

WUTWUT Marriage proposal I ride a motorcycle, have a 2.0 gpa, 4 girlfriends, and biceps. WANNA get Married

WUTWUT Marriage proposal  I ride a motorcycle, have a 2.0 gpa, 4 girlfriends, and biceps. WANNA get Married  Ordinary Muslim Man

I want all Americans to Burn more calories in an effort to combat the obesity epidemic.

I want all Americans to Burn more calories in an effort to combat the obesity epidemic.  Ordinary Muslim Man

I will blow up your company with good publicity

I will blow up your company with good publicity  Ordinary Muslim Man

Kufr, Islam is a religion of peace call me violent, and i'll cut off your hands, feet, and head.

Kufr, Islam is a religion of peace call me violent, and i'll cut off your hands, feet, and head.  Ordinary Muslim Man
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