One-up America

we will fight any fill-in-the-blank-istans that get in our way

we will fight any fill-in-the-blank-istans that get in our way  One-up America

You want my guns? Sure! Let's start with the bullets

You want my guns? Sure! Let's start with the bullets  One-up America

My Flag Kills commies and wins world wars

My Flag Kills commies and wins world wars  One-up America

Telling me a vote for Gary Johnson is a vote for Obama, which convinced me to vote for Romney SAID NO ONE EVER

Telling me a vote for Gary Johnson is a vote for Obama, which convinced me to vote for Romney SAID NO ONE EVER  One-up America

what's that canada? your health care system is better than ours? sorry i couldn't hear you over our flag on the moon!

what's that canada? your health care system is better than ours? sorry i couldn't hear you over our flag on the moon!  One-up America

You have a nuke? We have 10,600

You have a nuke? We have 10,600  One-up America

Even after personal liberties are taken away Manages to keep the people patriotic

Even after personal liberties are taken away  Manages to keep the people patriotic  One-up America

burn our flag? die of fumes

burn our flag? die of fumes  One-up America

Wins the Gold medal in all-around olympics

Wins the Gold medal in 
all-around olympics    One-up America

wins gold in getting the most gold

wins gold in getting the most gold  One-up America
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