Old Economy Steven

Makes minimum wage lives on minimum wage

Makes minimum wage lives on minimum wage  Old Economy Steven

2003: staunch supporter of the war on terror in iraq and afghanistan 2013: we need to cut government spending, starting with food stamps

2003: staunch supporter of the war on terror in iraq and afghanistan 2013: we need to cut government spending, starting with food stamps  Old Economy Steven

Makes fun of millennials Does not address any of the substantive points in my 15 part FAQ

Makes fun of millennials Does not address any of the substantive points in my 15 part FAQ  Old Economy Steven

Used this photo as a headshot Got the gig

Used this photo as a headshot Got the gig  Old Economy Steven

Boomer, claims he respected his elders Raised self absorbed kids to act just like himself

Boomer, claims he respected his elders Raised self absorbed kids to act just like himself  Old Economy Steven

Got a pension Knew what that was without googling

Got a pension Knew what that was without googling  Old Economy Steven

Never called in sick But could if he needed to, and not get fired

Never called in sick But could if he needed to, and not get fired  Old Economy Steven

absolutely still sure everything will work out fine

absolutely still sure everything will work out fine  Old Economy Steven

Grandpa taught me about the depression. Now you'll have to experience it for yourself.

Grandpa taught me about the depression. Now you'll have to experience it for yourself.  Old Economy Steven

got an array of tacky tattoos as a teenager refuses to hire young people with body modifications

got an array of tacky tattoos as a teenager refuses to hire young people with body modifications  Old Economy Steven
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