Old Economy Steven

Had Sex, Drugs & Rock-N-Rol Gave Us Aids, Crack & Michael Bolton

Had Sex, Drugs & Rock-N-Rol Gave Us Aids, Crack & Michael Bolton  Old Economy Steven

can't find a job Starts his own business

can't find a job Starts his own business   Old Economy Steven

Enlists in '78, drinks beer in Germany for 2 years Comes home a hero

Enlists in '78, drinks beer in Germany for 2 years Comes home a hero  Old Economy Steven

wife stays at home with three kids in the home he owns in the suburbs refrigerator repairman

wife stays at home with three kids in the home he owns in the suburbs refrigerator repairman    Old Economy Steven

Gets into Top Grad School with B+ Average Uses Grant Money to Travel Europe Each Summer

Gets  into Top Grad School with B+ Average Uses Grant Money to Travel Europe Each Summer  Old Economy Steven

You make $25k/year Wonders why you haven't bought your own house yet

You make $25k/year Wonders why you haven't bought your own house yet  Old Economy Steven

wants you to buy a house lol

wants you to buy a house lol  Old Economy Steven

Fuck you got mine

Fuck you got mine  Old Economy Steven

Male and wants to work with children Not assumed to be a pedophile

Male and wants to work with children Not assumed to be a pedophile  Old Economy Steven

Places job ad for “junior position” Minimum 3 years experience required

Places job ad for “junior position” Minimum 3 years experience required  Old Economy Steven
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