Old Economy Steven

worked fast food to pay for college "flipping burgers is no way to get through life, son"

worked fast food to pay for college

Boomer did nothing owns everyhthing

Boomer did nothing owns everyhthing  Old Economy Steven

8th grade education Retired as Auto Plant Manager

8th grade education Retired as Auto Plant Manager  Old Economy Steven

works one minimum-wage hour buys 5 gallons of gas

works one minimum-wage hour  buys 5 gallons of gas  Old Economy Steven

Protested Vietnam Sent kids to Iraq

Protested Vietnam Sent kids to Iraq  Old Economy Steven

Mom types resume on typewriter Makes 10 photocopies sends out 3, Gets Job

Mom types resume on typewriter Makes 10 photocopies sends out 3, Gets Job  Old Economy Steven

SHows me his new BMW Says if I work real hard and put in longer hours... next year he can get an even nicer car...

SHows me his new BMW Says if I work real hard and put in longer hours... next year he can get an even nicer car...  Old Economy Steven

his parents took over the world he gave it back

his parents took over the world he gave it back  Old Economy Steven

made more money than he knew what to do with oh wait hookers and blow

made more money than he knew what to do with oh wait
hookers and blow  Old Economy Steven

Believes anyone can make it if they work hard enough Never had to compete with China

Believes anyone can make it if they work hard enough Never had to compete with China   Old Economy Steven
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