Old Economy Steven

Throws out resumes due to employment gap Believes recession is imaginary

Throws out resumes due to employment gap Believes recession is imaginary  Old Economy Steven

Says, "Just pull yourself up by your own bootstraps." phd and I CAN'T EVEN AFFORD THE FUCKING BOOTS.


Becomes homeowner at 22 Tells son's generation it's lucky because it can afford $200 smartphones Caption 3 goes here Caption 4 goes here

Becomes homeowner at 22 Tells son's generation it's lucky because it can afford $200 smartphones Caption 3 goes here Caption 4 goes here  Old Economy Steven

Graduates from college not a debt slave

Graduates from college not a debt slave  Old Economy Steven

What's wrong with this country? Can't a man walk down the street without being offered a job?

What's wrong with this country?  Can't a man walk down the street without being offered a job?  Old Economy Steven

remembers when tv news actually tried to be objective

remembers when tv news actually tried to be objective  Old Economy Steven

Invests in fruit company Apple. Caption 3 goes here Caption 4 goes here

Invests in fruit company Apple. Caption 3 goes here Caption 4 goes here  Old Economy Steven

they knew when times were hard because the government didn't fake the economic statistics back then

they knew when times were hard because the government didn't fake the economic statistics back then  Old Economy Steven

no college no problem!

no college no problem!  Old Economy Steven

works for an hour Buys full tank of gas

works for an hour Buys full tank of gas  Old Economy Steven
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