Oblivious Suburban Mom

My son and his friends always talk getting some pussy... one of these times i will surprise them with a cat that i adopted for them to play with

My son and his friends always talk getting some pussy... one of these times i will surprise them with a cat that i adopted for them to play with  Oblivious Suburban Mom

My son begged me to give his friend $400 for a police donation they must really admire our police department

My son begged me to give his friend $400 for a police donation they must really admire our police department  Oblivious Suburban Mom

dubstep? what does he sing?

dubstep? what does he sing?  Oblivious Suburban Mom

my son always sweats in the evenings because that's when he works out

my son always sweats in the evenings because that's when he works out  Oblivious Suburban Mom

Smart,Attractive,can defend herself and shops at: kniveslipstickandliberty.com

Smart,Attractive,can defend herself and shops at: kniveslipstickandliberty.com  Oblivious Suburban Mom

My daughter is so willing to embrace other cultures. She always has black guys over at our house.

My daughter is so willing to embrace other cultures. She always has black guys over at our house.  Oblivious Suburban Mom

My son is black so I get him kool aid

My son is black so I get him kool aid   Oblivious Suburban Mom


HEY TYLER! LETS SMOKE WEED!  Oblivious Suburban Mom

Found my sons visine in his coat pocket He suffers from dry eyes

Found my sons visine in his coat pocket He suffers from dry eyes  Oblivious Suburban Mom

Finds crusty sock in your room Must have not added enough softener

Finds crusty sock in your room Must have not added enough softener   Oblivious Suburban Mom
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