
We'd like to announce our new album! kill yourself

We'd like to announce our new album! kill yourself  Nickelback

Nickelback NEver rips insecure

Nickelback NEver rips insecure  Nickelback

R.I.P. NickelBack We will miss that One Song

R.I.P. NickelBack We will miss that One Song  Nickelback

Mentally retarded douchebag? Allow me to play you the song of our people.

Mentally retarded douchebag? Allow me to play you the song of our people.  Nickelback

Has millions of Fans So Did Hitler

Has millions of  Fans So Did Hitler

Every time you post a status complaining about the elections, Nickleback writes a song.

Every time you post a status complaining about the elections, Nickleback writes a song.  Nickelback

Writes song about being a rockstar is not a rockstar

Writes song about being a rockstar is not a rockstar  Nickelback

Got a front door key to the playboy mansion

 Got a front door key to the playboy mansion  Nickelback

I make money by being and asshole

I make money by being and asshole   Nickelback

If you play all their songs at once It sounds just like photograph

If you play all their songs at once
 It sounds just like photograph  Nickelback
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