Mitt Romney

my Tax plan will give millionaires an average tax cut of $250,000 that's more than 11 times what a family of four in poverty will make in that same year(15% of Americans)

my Tax plan will give millionaires an average tax cut of $250,000 that's more than 11 times what a family of four in poverty will make in that same year(15% of Americans)  Mitt Romney

Give up wanting what other people have Just be content in your poverty!

Give up wanting 
what other people have Just be content in your poverty!  Mitt Romney

All you need is funds doot da doo da doo

All you need is funds doot da doo da doo  Mitt Romney

I got 99 binders...

I got 99 binders...   Mitt Romney

Didn't win election Still a hundred millionaire

Didn't win election Still a hundred millionaire   Mitt Romney

tax the rich? Are you crazy?

tax the rich? Are you crazy?  Mitt Romney

dumb da dumb dumb dumb!

dumb da dumb dumb  dumb!  Mitt Romney

I'm learning to say `y'all' and I like grits. Strange things are happening to me. I'm learning to pander to people I wouldn't let collect my trash.

I'm learning to say `y'all' and I like grits. Strange things are happening to me. I'm learning to pander to people I wouldn't let collect my trash.  Mitt Romney

2005: We need more state control of welfare. 2012: Obama is gutting the welfare reform law by giving more state control.

2005: We need more state control of welfare. 2012: Obama is gutting the welfare reform law by giving more state control.  Mitt Romney

Kolob Good enough for Mitt, Good enough for me

Kolob Good enough for Mitt, Good enough for me  Mitt Romney
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