Mitt Romney

Born on 3rd base Thinks he hit a triple.

Born on 3rd base Thinks he hit a triple.  Mitt Romney

What's 50 million to a balla like me can you please remind me?

What's 50 million to a balla like me can you please remind me?   Mitt Romney

And then they said to me "Kenya help Us!"

And then they said to me

Phase 1. close loopholes phase 2. ???? Phase 3. Profit!

Phase 1. close loopholes
 phase 2. ???? Phase 3. Profit!   Mitt Romney

obama won the nobel peace prize and sharply escalated the war in afghanistan. and they call me a flip flopper

obama won the nobel peace prize and sharply escalated the war in afghanistan.  and they call me a flip flopper  Mitt Romney

Top caption Bottom caption

Top caption Bottom caption  Mitt Romney

A thirsty man runs into the sea, and the sea holds a sword to his throat Likewise, if you look to me for handouts, I will rob you blind

A thirsty man runs into the sea, and the sea holds a sword to his throat Likewise, if you look to me for handouts, I will rob you blind  Mitt Romney

happy birthday you filthy liberal

happy birthday you filthy liberal  Mitt Romney


  Mitt Romney

I get what you get in ten years in two days

I get what you get in ten years in two days  Mitt Romney
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