Misunderstood D-Bag

Wears cap backwards Is about battle the gym leader

Wears cap backwards Is about battle the gym leader  Misunderstood D-Bag

Pulls up behind you bumper to bumper at red light Trying to let car behind him into turn lane

Pulls up behind you bumper to bumper at red light Trying to let car behind him into turn lane  Misunderstood D-Bag

Drinks PBR so he can pay his own tuition

Drinks PBR so he can pay his own tuition  Misunderstood D-Bag

Doesn't call when he said he would legitimately due to phone malfunction

Doesn't call when he said he would  legitimately due to phone malfunction  Misunderstood D-Bag

DUECES bro playing his brother in tennis

DUECES bro playing his brother in tennis  Misunderstood D-Bag

Grows weed in his closet For his grandfather with cancer

Grows weed in his closet For his grandfather with cancer  Misunderstood D-Bag

Leaves dirty dishes in his room for weeks too busy to clean them but doesn't want to leave the kitchen dirty for you

Leaves dirty dishes in his room for weeks too busy to clean them but doesn't want to leave the kitchen dirty for you  Misunderstood D-Bag

Doesn't update what happened after the proposal Because he has to plan out the wedding

Doesn't update what happened after the proposal Because he has to plan out the wedding  Misunderstood D-Bag

Buys Ed Hardy T-Shirts Gift for D-bag cousin

Buys Ed Hardy T-Shirts Gift for D-bag cousin  Misunderstood D-Bag

Member of an all white fraternity Only masturbates to black lesbians

Member of an all white fraternity Only masturbates to black lesbians  Misunderstood D-Bag
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