Misunderstood D-Bag

Sleeps all day on the couch Goes out all night feeding the homeless

Sleeps all day on the couch Goes out all night feeding the homeless  Misunderstood D-Bag

Throws a Kegger Donates proceeds to charity

Throws a Kegger Donates proceeds to charity  Misunderstood D-Bag

has orange skin ate too many carrots

has orange skin ate too many carrots  Misunderstood D-Bag

has a tattoo of a women's name on arm actually his dead sister's name after she was killed by a drunk driver

has a tattoo of a women's name on arm actually his dead sister's name after she was killed by a drunk driver  Misunderstood D-Bag

Drives A truck Actually Needs it for work

Drives A truck Actually Needs it for work  Misunderstood D-Bag

grabs girl's tits at concert accidentally while catching her from falling into someone's puke

grabs girl's tits at concert accidentally while catching her from falling into someone's puke  Misunderstood D-Bag

Sup girl, does the carpet match the drapes? Professional Home renovator

Sup girl, does the carpet match the drapes? Professional Home renovator  Misunderstood D-Bag

brings natty ice to party economy is bad, but didn't want to show up empty handed

brings natty ice to party economy is bad, but didn't want to show up empty handed  Misunderstood D-Bag

wears bandannas it's either that or a hair net when volunteering at the soup kitchen

wears bandannas it's either that or a hair net when volunteering at the soup kitchen  Misunderstood D-Bag

wears sunglasses inside just had laser eye surgery

wears sunglasses inside just had laser eye surgery   Misunderstood D-Bag
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