Misunderstood D-Bag

Says your Pride banner must be removed Thinks placement looks tacky and the flag would look better

Says your Pride banner must be removed Thinks placement looks tacky and the flag would look better  Misunderstood D-Bag

wears a chain wallet to prevent another wallet theft

wears a chain wallet to prevent another wallet theft  Misunderstood D-Bag

Beats girlfriend at video games once in a while

Beats girlfriend at video games 
once in a while  Misunderstood D-Bag

Makes a duck face in Facebook profile pic Just ate something sour.

Makes a duck face in Facebook profile pic Just ate something sour.   Misunderstood D-Bag

Broke a G-string while fingering a minor guitar player

Broke a G-string while fingering a minor guitar player  Misunderstood D-Bag

plays halo with his bros To keep in touch with his family

plays halo with his bros To keep in touch with his family  Misunderstood D-Bag

Removes shirt for any physical activity doesn't want it to get all sweaty and gross

Removes shirt for any physical activity doesn't want it to get all sweaty and gross  Misunderstood D-Bag

cockblocks you because he knows she has herpes

cockblocks you because he knows she has herpes  Misunderstood D-Bag

Puts on reflective aviators Really sunny today

Puts on reflective aviators Really sunny today  Misunderstood D-Bag

Goes tanning for the vitamin d3

Goes tanning for the vitamin d3  Misunderstood D-Bag
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