
kills a cow with a Feather

kills a cow with a Feather  Minecraft

Find oak tree Drops apples

Find oak tree  Drops apples  Minecraft

Visits hell daily Can die of touching cactus

Visits hell daily Can die of touching cactus  Minecraft

Make torch with coal Figure you could make with carcoal

Make torch with coal Figure you could make with carcoal  Minecraft

Make complicated traps with pistons. On single player. fall into it

Make complicated traps with pistons. On single player. fall into it  Minecraft

Dig down in the Nether Plummet into sea of lava

Dig down in the Nether Plummet into sea of lava  Minecraft

saw a creeper its a penis

saw a creeper its a penis  Minecraft

Go on epic week-long adventure Drown in the lake before home base while getting ink

Go on epic week-long adventure Drown in the lake before home base while getting ink  Minecraft

why is my face bigger then the screen me gusta

why is my face
bigger then the screen me gusta  Minecraft

Only thing to worry being crushed by is sand, gravel, and anvils Everything else just floats there

Only thing to worry being crushed by is sand, gravel, and anvils Everything else just floats there  Minecraft
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