
go in cave and find 20 diamonds pick ax breaks no workbench

go in cave and find 20 diamonds pick ax breaks no workbench  Minecraft

Gets excited over endermen Plays on peaceful

Gets excited over endermen Plays on peaceful  Minecraft

realize you can put saddles on spiders FUCK YEAH

realize you can put saddles on spiders FUCK YEAH  Minecraft

finish buildning mansion 300 million creepers are hiding inside. fuuuuuuu-

finish buildning mansion 300 million creepers are hiding inside. fuuuuuuu-  Minecraft

Bucket of lava in my pocket? Seems legit

Bucket of lava in my pocket? Seems legit  Minecraft

(updating minecraft....) FUCK

(updating minecraft....) FUCK  Minecraft

Steve must be minecraft's chuck norris he falls in lava and all he does is go ugh

Steve must be minecraft's chuck norris he falls in lava and all he does is go ugh  Minecraft

Thunderstorm Backs up world in fear of losing wooden structure

Thunderstorm Backs up world in fear of losing wooden structure  Minecraft


/god LAVA BATH  Minecraft

adventure outside at night armed with a bow and arrow creeper hunting!

adventure outside at night armed with a bow and arrow creeper hunting!   Minecraft
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