
Finally tame wolf Leave it to rot in a tiny doghouse for eternity

Finally tame wolf Leave it to rot in a tiny doghouse for eternity  Minecraft

Build computer Out of dirt.

Build computer Out of dirt.  Minecraft

Compact XOR-gate Larger than a car

Compact XOR-gate Larger than a car  Minecraft

Can carry weight in stone can't stack porkchops

Can carry weight in stone can't stack porkchops  Minecraft

Infinite World Forever Alone

Infinite World Forever Alone  Minecraft

What do you call a mineral rich ravine? Orechasm

What do you call a mineral rich ravine? Orechasm  Minecraft

Make game run at highest settings Still looks like cubes

Make game run at highest settings Still looks like cubes  Minecraft

Foggy day IRL Render distance: Short

Foggy day IRL Render distance: Short  Minecraft

Have OCD? Shovel and pick everything until it looks symmetrical

Have OCD? Shovel and pick everything until it looks symmetrical  Minecraft


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