
Mines for 6 hours and falls in lava. Cries for another 6 hours

Mines for 6 hours and falls in lava. Cries for another 6 hours

You Can't Make an Animal Talk But You Can Beat it With your Pickax

You Can't Make an Animal Talk But You Can Beat it With your Pickax  Minecraft

Set tree on fire Burns dog to death

Set tree on fire Burns dog to death  Minecraft

Minecraft? Y u such a bad game?!?!?!?!?

Minecraft? Y u such a bad game?!?!?!?!?  Minecraft

minecraft lets you tame wovles and have them as pet dogs? time to search for wolves

minecraft lets you tame wovles and have them as pet dogs? time to search for wolves  Minecraft

Spawns 2 million mushrooms kills server

Spawns 2 million mushrooms kills server  Minecraft

build a house realising it looks shit

build a house realising it looks shit   Minecraft

Brain - pressing shift while building bridge Reality - falls in lava His caps lock was on

Brain - pressing shift while building bridge Reality - falls in lava
His caps lock was on  Minecraft

sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me

sticks and stones will
break my bones but words will never hurt me  Minecraft

Just spawned in a world without animals Forever alone

Just spawned in a world without animals Forever alone  Minecraft
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