Megyn Kelly

ASSHOLE? That's me, essentially.

ASSHOLE? That's me,  essentially.   Megyn Kelly

Anorexia It's a diet, essentially

Anorexia It's a diet, essentially  Megyn Kelly

Agent Orange It's weed killer essentially

Agent Orange It's weed killer essentially  Megyn Kelly

curb stomping it's a checkup with the dentist, essentially!

curb stomping it's a checkup with the dentist, essentially!  Megyn Kelly

Murder? It's turkey carving practice, essentially.

Murder? It's turkey carving practice, essentially.   Megyn Kelly

pizza It's a vegetable, Essentially.

pizza It's a vegetable,
Essentially.  Megyn Kelly

Brains It's a food product for zombies, essentially.

Brains It's a food product for zombies, 
essentially.  Megyn Kelly

suicide? an easy way of saying 'one less at the Thanksgiving table this year', essentially.

suicide? an easy way of saying 'one less at the Thanksgiving table this year', essentially.  Megyn Kelly

Charles Manson? A potential GOP rising star, essentially.

Charles Manson? A potential GOP rising star, essentially.  Megyn Kelly

Pepper Spay to the Face? not the first time ive been shot in the face with something that burns my eyes

Pepper Spay to the Face? not the first time ive been shot in the face with something that burns my eyes  Megyn Kelly
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