Megyn Kelly

Anorexia It’s an effective diet, Essentially

Anorexia It’s an effective diet, Essentially  Megyn Kelly

Waterboarding? It's a shower, essentially

Waterboarding? It's a shower, essentially  Megyn Kelly

Playing with your hair it means you're preening essentially

Playing with your hair it means you're preening
essentially  Megyn Kelly

Nazi Gas Showers It's a spa, essentially

Nazi Gas Showers It's a spa, essentially  Megyn Kelly

Got Bigger Boobs Still only republicans Watch

Got Bigger Boobs Still only republicans Watch  Megyn Kelly

Mario Kart It's socialist, essentially.

Mario Kart It's socialist, essentially.  Megyn Kelly

Bamboo Under fingernails It's a manicure, Essentially! Waterboarding It is an aggressive bubble-bath, essentially!

Bamboo Under fingernails It's a manicure,
Essentially! Waterboarding

It is an aggressive bubble-bath, essentially!  Megyn Kelly

Fox Propaganda It's a news product, essentially

Fox Propaganda It's a news product, essentially  Megyn Kelly

cannibalism it's sharing a meal with another person, essentially

cannibalism it's sharing a meal with another person, essentially  Megyn Kelly

Money shot? It's the only legal payment, essentially

Money shot? It's the only legal payment, essentially  Megyn Kelly
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