Megyn Kelly

megyn kelly miserable cunt

megyn kelly miserable cunt  Megyn Kelly

Beaten by police It's a deep tissue massage, essentially

Beaten by police It's a deep tissue massage, essentially  Megyn Kelly

Candles They're old-fashioned laser beams, essentially.

Candles They're old-fashioned laser beams, essentially.  Megyn Kelly

Sucking chest wound? It's a whistle, essentially

Sucking chest wound? It's a whistle, essentially  Megyn Kelly

Police Dogs? It's a family pet, essentially

Police Dogs? It's a family pet, essentially  Megyn Kelly

Spanish Inquisition a short questionnaire, Essentially!

Spanish Inquisition a short questionnaire,
Essentially!  Megyn Kelly


MILF  SHE IS IT  Megyn Kelly

Dirty Sanchez? It's a form of lipstick, Essentially!

Dirty Sanchez? It's a form of lipstick,
Essentially!  Megyn Kelly

Occupy Wallstreet Proof Darwinism (survival of the fittest) has failed essentially.

Occupy Wallstreet Proof Darwinism (survival of the fittest) has failed essentially.  Megyn Kelly

Loofah? It's one of those Falafel things essentially.

Loofah? It's one of those Falafel things essentially.  Megyn Kelly
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