Megyn Kelly

Getting Sanduskied It's free sex ed, essentially

Getting Sanduskied It's free sex ed, essentially  Megyn Kelly

Atheists, make fun of faith, but believe improvable theories of scientists they've never met, whom have been wrong multiple times in the past. They are a religion of self-loathing nerds essentially.

Atheists, make fun of faith, but believe improvable theories of scientists they've never met, whom have been wrong multiple times in the past. They are a religion of self-loathing nerds essentially.  Megyn Kelly

Rape? It's speed dating, Essentially

Rape? It's speed dating,
Essentially  Megyn Kelly

Guillotine? It's a haircut, essentially Caption 3 goes here

Guillotine? It's a haircut, essentially Caption 3 goes here  Megyn Kelly

Drug cartel? It's a pharmacy, essentially.

Drug cartel? It's a pharmacy, essentially.  Megyn Kelly

obamacare It's healthcare for terrorists, essentially.

obamacare It's healthcare for terrorists, essentially.  Megyn Kelly

Flesh-eating bacteria It's an exfoliant, Essentially!

Flesh-eating bacteria It's an exfoliant,
Essentially!  Megyn Kelly

megyn kelly faux news dumb blonde Essentially!

megyn kelly faux news dumb blonde
Essentially!  Megyn Kelly

RON PAUL? The President, essentially.

RON PAUL? The President, essentially.  Megyn Kelly

Breaking news 20 children died today in heroic efforts to protect the second amendment.

Breaking news 20 children died today in heroic efforts to protect the second amendment.  Megyn Kelly
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