Math Major Sloth

At political rally "In a truly free group, Identity is an empty word"

At political rally

Label each algebra rule But I thought you liked proofs?

Label each 
algebra rule But I thought you liked proofs?  Math Major Sloth

Induction ceremony? yay!

Induction ceremony?
  Math Major Sloth

Prime numbers show up in group theory bricks were shat

Prime numbers show up in group theory
 bricks were shat
  Math Major Sloth

See someone type "boyfriends" as "bfs" think "basic feasible solution" and panic

See someone type

Halfway through writing the paper Why are all the good letters Greek or taken?

Halfway through writing the paper Why are all the good letters Greek or taken?  Math Major Sloth

Bored in class Reduce the last 20 years to their prime factors

Bored in class Reduce the last 20 years to their prime factors   Math Major Sloth

Adjoint functor theorem why did you bastards tell me about this from the beginning??

Adjoint functor theorem why did you bastards tell me about this from the beginning??  Math Major Sloth

Halfway through writing the paper Why are all the good letters Greek or already taken?

Halfway through writing the paper Why are all the good letters Greek or already taken?  Math Major Sloth

don't know how to prove inequality apply jensen everywhere

don't know how to prove inequality
 apply jensen everywhere
  Math Major Sloth
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