Mad Karma with Jim Cramer

recycle your cheesy pickup lines creepy smile guy is on the rise

recycle your cheesy pickup lines creepy smile guy is on the rise  Mad Karma with Jim Cramer

see a deer while driving hit the gas and post a pic

see a deer while driving hit the gas and post a pic  Mad Karma with Jim Cramer

Reddit! Weird hands on the rise! Mutilate your girlfriend and post a picture!

Reddit! Weird hands on the rise! Mutilate your girlfriend and post a picture!  Mad Karma with Jim Cramer

90's nostalgia is out Google poems are on the rise

90's nostalgia is out Google poems are on the rise  Mad Karma with Jim Cramer

Exotic baby animals are on the rise Cute girls: go to thailand and take pictures with them

Exotic baby animals are on the rise  
 Cute girls: go to thailand and take pictures with them  Mad Karma with Jim Cramer

weight loss photos are hot! everyone dig through your photos

weight loss photos are hot! everyone dig through your photos  Mad Karma with Jim Cramer

secret doors are in move your karma now

secret doors are in move your karma now  Mad Karma with Jim Cramer

Break out your science books Bill Nye is on the rise

Break out your science books Bill Nye is on the rise  Mad Karma with Jim Cramer

Quick, get all the Life ProTips and post them as Actual Advice Mallard

Quick, get all the Life ProTips and post them as Actual Advice Mallard  Mad Karma with Jim Cramer

dump your kittens foxes are on the rise!

dump your kittens foxes are on the rise!  Mad Karma with Jim Cramer
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