Lonely Computer Guy

Endlich bin ich mit meiner Seminararbeit fertig! Was ist ein Bluescreen ?

Endlich bin ich mit meiner Seminararbeit fertig! Was ist ein Bluescreen ?  Lonely Computer Guy

Tries to describe economics in one meme Fails, Makes memes for 1 week straight

Tries to describe economics in one meme Fails, Makes memes for 1 week straight  Lonely Computer Guy

Fiorentina and Porto lose again... Time to make a big fuss over some banal issue

Fiorentina and Porto lose again... Time to make a big fuss over some banal issue  Lonely Computer Guy

Listens to tron legacy soundtrack while coding instantly master hacker

Listens to tron legacy soundtrack while coding instantly master hacker  Lonely Computer Guy

Filigram pamfilie farfigutantan the second liked my posts? I became the prince of a town called Bel-air!

Filigram pamfilie farfigutantan the second liked my posts? I became the prince of a town called Bel-air!  Lonely Computer Guy

Oh I saw the funniest thing the other day called hamburgercats

Oh I saw the funniest thing  the other day called hamburgercats  Lonely Computer Guy

Nigerians have the best investments! $5000 coming right at ya!

Nigerians have the best investments! $5000 coming right at ya!  Lonely Computer Guy

These pictures are showing up as red x's!

These pictures are showing up as red x's!  Lonely Computer Guy

Finally! Someone saw what I did there!

Finally! Someone saw what I did there!  Lonely Computer Guy

email from old friend offering sex? I knew she had a crush on me!

email from old friend offering sex? I knew she had a crush on me!  Lonely Computer Guy
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