Linguist Llama

Not a single fuck is given

Not a single fuck is given  Linguist Llama

When your favourite villian is dark l

When your favourite villian is  dark l  Linguist Llama

Transcricao fonetica de um discurso do inri cristo eu topo! Caption 3 goes here

Transcricao fonetica de um discurso do inri cristo eu topo! Caption 3 goes here  Linguist Llama

Write papers in LaTeX

Write papers in LaTeX  Linguist Llama

nordan hardan gerdi gard

nordan hardan gerdi gard  Linguist Llama

The Curse of the Pragmatician... Always searching for Implicature

The Curse of the Pragmatician... Always searching for Implicature  Linguist Llama

Hey Baby, we must be an anaphor 'cause you're bound to my R-expression.

Hey Baby, we must be an anaphor 'cause you're bound to my R-expression.   Linguist Llama


UC? IC.  Linguist Llama

Do I infix? Abso-fuckin'-lutely

Do I infix? Abso-fuckin'-lutely  Linguist Llama

Takk, but... I politely decline all Icelandic adjectives

Takk, but... I politely decline all Icelandic adjectives  Linguist Llama
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