Liberal Douche Garofalo

hates "big" organizations like walmart goes to starbucks daily


attention whore wants attention

attention whore wants attention  Liberal Douche Garofalo

Complains about white privilege in white countries

Complains about white privilege in white countries  Liberal Douche Garofalo

it's none of your business what I do in bed that's why you need to pay for it

it's none of your business what I do in bed that's why you need to pay for it  Liberal Douche Garofalo

Says it's wrong to take away reproductive rights Wants to take away your gun rights

Says it's wrong to take away reproductive rights Wants to take away your gun rights  Liberal Douche Garofalo

liberalism: we hate the notion of god and you have to hate it also or we will hate you

liberalism: we hate the notion of god and you have to hate it also or we will hate you  Liberal Douche Garofalo

"Homosexuals deserve equal rights." defends islam

supports healthier school lunches and legalization of pot

supports healthier school lunches and legalization of pot  Liberal Douche Garofalo

everything i know about politics I learned from jon stewart and stephen colbert

everything i know about politics I learned from jon stewart and stephen colbert  Liberal Douche Garofalo

"no i'm not a bigot" hates white men, catholics, protestants, jews, stay-at-home moms, business owners, people not on welfare, chuck norris, the loch ness monster, anyone who doesn't agree with her, santa, kittens, baby animals, doctors, jesus, conformist

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