Liberal Douche Garofalo

Gets information from multiple sources Top User on Huffington Post

Gets information from multiple sources Top User on Huffington Post  Liberal Douche Garofalo

"Keep your laws off my body!" Makes it illegal to not have healthcare

Screams out when people don't agree with Islam. Is silent when muslims persecute jews and christians all over the world.

Screams out when people don't agree with Islam. Is silent when muslims persecute jews and christians all over the world.  Liberal Douche Garofalo

thinks of great progressive programs that you pay for

thinks of great progressive programs  that you pay for  Liberal Douche Garofalo

IT's racist to criticize Muslim beliefs, actions or attitudes Don't be racist like those white-trash confederate hill-billy redneck Bubbas from the south.

IT's racist to criticize Muslim beliefs, actions or attitudes Don't be racist like those white-trash confederate hill-billy redneck Bubbas from the south.   Liberal Douche Garofalo

Hates Fox News Watches Nancy Grace

Hates Fox News Watches Nancy Grace  Liberal Douche Garofalo

all religions are bullshit except buddhism

all religions are bullshit except buddhism  Liberal Douche Garofalo

Says that Christianity is ruining America walks past catholic soup kitchen on her way to Starbucks everyday

Says that Christianity is ruining America walks past catholic soup kitchen on her way to Starbucks everyday  Liberal Douche Garofalo

Sees a reddit link bashing america upvote without reading link

Sees a reddit link bashing america upvote without reading link  Liberal Douche Garofalo

complains about how people are such selfish jerks has caring, nice, fun, smart, all-around-wonderful friends, significant other, and family

complains about how people are such selfish jerks has caring, nice, fun, smart, all-around-wonderful friends, significant other, and family  Liberal Douche Garofalo
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