Liberal Douche Garofalo

How can you say illegal aliens don't pay taxes? You know income taxes aren't the only tax! Corporations pay zero taxes!

How can you say illegal aliens don't pay taxes? You know income taxes aren't the only tax! Corporations pay zero taxes!  Liberal Douche Garofalo

queers marching down main street in thongs at noon? should be everywhere every day tim tebow says he's a christian in public? kill him and all others!

queers marching down main street in thongs at noon? should be everywhere every day tim tebow says he's a christian in public? kill him and all others!  Liberal Douche Garofalo

Uses "Almost Politically Correct Redneck" meme to mock hick southerners. Inserts own prejudice to be "funny"


Atheists Loves explaining to Christians what Christians believe

Atheists Loves explaining to Christians what Christians believe  Liberal Douche Garofalo

meets your cuban immigrant friend tries to tell him that castro isn't all that bad

meets your cuban immigrant friend tries to tell him that castro isn't all that bad  Liberal Douche Garofalo

Accuses religious people of being too judgemental Is judgemental of everyone who is religious

Accuses religious people of being too judgemental Is judgemental of everyone who is religious  Liberal Douche Garofalo

sees a black christian doesn't know whether to hate them or not

sees a black christian doesn't know whether to hate them or not  Liberal Douche Garofalo

Protested the war when Bush was president Doesn't anymore

Protested the war when Bush was president Doesn't anymore  Liberal Douche Garofalo

mtv msnbc comedy central decide who i vote for

comedy central decide who i vote for  Liberal Douche Garofalo

attends 4th of July parade with you spends entire time telling you how embarrassed she is to be American

attends 4th of July parade with you spends entire time telling you how embarrassed she is to be American  Liberal Douche Garofalo
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