Le Snob

I like the cut of your jib, madame... Might I subscribe to your newsletter?

I like the cut of your jib, madame... Might I subscribe to your newsletter?  Le Snob

Why do women have smaller feet than men? So they can stand closer to the stove.

Why do women have smaller feet than men? So they can stand closer to the stove.  Le Snob

You, sire, Have the intelligence of a coconut. Good day!

You, sire, Have the intelligence of a coconut. Good day!  Le Snob

Wanna hear a joke? James's rights.

Wanna hear a joke? James's rights.  Le Snob

Wait until the kids see... What I did to the pool

Wait until the kids see... What I did to the pool  Le Snob

Women are good for 70 things. Sandwich and 69.

Women are good for 70 things. Sandwich and 69.  Le Snob

Nikki, a ti te falta VITAMINA P

Nikki, a ti te falta VITAMINA P  Le Snob

Tried Chinese food Then bought Asia

Tried Chinese food Then bought Asia  Le Snob

Happy Birthday Keith

 Happy Birthday Keith  Le Snob

everyone knows fancy is the new hipster

everyone knows fancy is the new hipster  Le Snob
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