Lazy College Senior

hasent donated a single cent is responsible for over $200 to various charities

hasent donated a single cent is responsible for over $200 to various charities  Lazy College Senior

Not in the mood to study spends the next 5 hours reading wikipedia

Not in the mood to study spends the next 5 hours reading wikipedia  Lazy College Senior

Goes to class, reddit down Prepare the noose

Goes to class, reddit down Prepare the noose  Lazy College Senior

Takes adderall cleans room and chain smokes instead of studying

Takes adderall cleans room and chain smokes instead of studying  Lazy College Senior

Attendance marks There goes my GPA

Attendance marks There goes my GPA  Lazy College Senior

"I should stop masturbating soon" Exam tomorrow

studies music specialises in trad

studies music specialises in trad  Lazy College Senior


 I DO NOT APPROVE  Lazy College Senior

fakes breakup to roommate gets out of cleaning the room for a week

fakes breakup to roommate gets out of cleaning
the room for a week  Lazy College Senior

I don't really feel like having my own Identity I'll just take yours Dom

I don't really feel like having my own Identity I'll just take yours Dom  Lazy College Senior
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