Lazy College Senior

Vows to "turn over a new leaf" after two weeks of writing term papers and cramming for finals in a coffee, cigarette, and sleep deprived high Doesn't complete a single assigned reading after the first week of second semester

Vows to

"These updates cannot be applied until you restart your computer" Postpone

Paper should be 5-8 pages long. 4 pages and a paragraph it is

Paper should be 5-8 pages long. 4 pages and a paragraph it is  Lazy College Senior

I Had No idea he was sitting

I Had No idea he was sitting  Lazy College Senior

Open microsoft Word take a well deserved break

Open microsoft Word  take a well deserved break  Lazy College Senior

Class needed to graduate starts at 8 am? Guess I'll be a super senior

Class needed to graduate starts at 8 am? Guess I'll be a super senior  Lazy College Senior

Winter semester started Scheduled reddit time

Winter semester started Scheduled reddit time  Lazy College Senior

could hit on girl would rather jerk off

could hit on girl would rather jerk off  Lazy College Senior

invited to party new housing for the month

invited to party new housing for the month  Lazy College Senior

"Your first assignment will be due next class period but remember your lowest grade will be dropped" Nice, no homework.

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