Lazy College Senior

Missed 11/11/11 11:11 to drunk to care at 11:11 pm

Missed 11/11/11 11:11 to drunk to care at 11:11 pm  Lazy College Senior

Chance of rain? chance of not going to the finals

Chance of rain? chance of not going to the finals  Lazy College Senior

classmate asks to borrow pencil for class looks like i wont be taking notes again...

classmate asks to borrow pencil for class looks like i wont be taking notes again...  Lazy College Senior

"It is raining today" "Oh, I will take the day off"

Psych had a midterm yesterday? I'll email the prof and just take it tomorrow

Psych had a midterm yesterday? I'll email the prof and just take it tomorrow  Lazy College Senior

Has class in the Haley Center Still gets lost

Has class in the Haley Center Still gets lost  Lazy College Senior

"Dude, I totally blacked out last night" "Do you think I remember anything?"

foresees he won't pass all his classes fuck it. summer break it is.

foresees he won't pass all his classes fuck it. summer break it is.  Lazy College Senior

Time to take notes? nice, time to play halo

Time to take notes? nice, time to play halo  Lazy College Senior

Needs to study for his Japanese class watches anime in subbed instead

Needs to study for his Japanese class watches anime in subbed instead  Lazy College Senior
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