Lazy College Senior

schedules time on sunday to begin senior thesis due monday

schedules time on sunday to begin senior thesis due monday  Lazy College Senior

Goes to football tailgate to pregame Never makes it to the game

Goes to football tailgate to pregame Never makes it to the game  Lazy College Senior

Is a college senior for three years

Is a college senior for three years  Lazy College Senior

Works out in the gym every day eats mcdonalds for dinner

Works out in the gym every day  eats mcdonalds for dinner  Lazy College Senior

Discovers UTexas Memes Never Graduates

Discovers UTexas Memes Never Graduates  Lazy College Senior

has no plans after graduation but has a detailed zombie apocalypse plan

has no plans after graduation but has a detailed zombie apocalypse plan  Lazy College Senior

Too Hungover to go to class No Class. Why not drink?

Too Hungover to go to class No Class. Why not drink?  Lazy College Senior

Has 2 weeks left to live the college life Takes a nap instead

Has 2 weeks left to live the college life Takes a nap instead  Lazy College Senior

Has another class goes home

Has another class
  goes home  Lazy College Senior

dead week skyrim

dead week skyrim  Lazy College Senior
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