Lazy College Senior

Raining Outside... go back to bed.

Raining Outside... go back to bed.  Lazy College Senior

Actually goes to class Browses reddit

Actually goes to class Browses reddit   Lazy College Senior

Extra Curricular Activities at St patrick's Gettin Drunk out of your Skull

Extra Curricular  Activities at St patrick's Gettin Drunk out of your Skull  Lazy College Senior

Got 61.3% in last class overachieved by 1.3%

Got 61.3% in last class overachieved by 1.3%  Lazy College Senior

Goes home during lunch to do some homework "I'm already here, what's the point of going back?"

Goes home during lunch to do some homework

Group project? first and only meeting is on the day before its due

Group project? first and only meeting is on the day before its due  Lazy College Senior

deactivates Facebook during exam week spends 10x more time on reddit

deactivates Facebook during exam week spends 10x more time on reddit  Lazy College Senior

"Sorry, class today was moved to 313 Smith Building" Lunch Time.

going to study at local bar trivia night

going to study at local bar trivia night  Lazy College Senior

Crier comes in at 12:00 Delete at 12:01

Crier comes in at 12:00 Delete at 12:01  Lazy College Senior
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