Lawyer Dog

I've dug up a lot of evidence This'll force them to roll over

I've dug up a lot of evidence This'll force them to roll over  Lawyer Dog

Fuck basil brush

Fuck basil brush   Lawyer Dog

Voir dire? No problem. I'm great at sniffing out rogue jurors.

Voir dire? 
No problem. I'm great at sniffing out rogue jurors.  Lawyer Dog

if the collar dont fit You must acquit

if the collar dont fit You must acquit  Lawyer Dog

I got invite from President Obama FOR DINNER!

I got invite from
 FOR DINNER!  Lawyer Dog

Fishy Witness? I'll roll all over it

Fishy Witness? I'll roll all over it  Lawyer Dog

"Pet" Lawyer? I'm suing your ass for libel, you racist prick

I don't need a retainer I work pro bone o

I don't need a retainer I work pro bone o  Lawyer Dog

You are entitled to damages for fraudulent misrepresentation But I can only give you a 'ruff' estimate

You are entitled to damages for fraudulent misrepresentation But I can only give you a 'ruff' estimate  Lawyer Dog

He peed on your fire hydrant? Hit the water bowl heavy, we only have 70 years to claim back your territory. I'll cover the expense of the walker, but I'm going to need a 5,000 kibble retainer, not including treats.

He peed on your fire hydrant? Hit the water bowl heavy, we only have 70 years to claim back your territory.  I'll cover the expense of the walker, but I'm going to need a 5,000 kibble retainer, not including treats.  Lawyer Dog
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