Karate Kyle

Dont... Make me pop the trunk on your bitch ass.

Dont... Make me pop the trunk on your bitch ass.  Karate Kyle

Graham stole my revenue idea I stole his life

Graham stole my revenue idea I stole his life  Karate Kyle

They were laughing as I got into my swimming trunks. I was laughing as their bubbles stopped surfacing.

They were laughing as I got into my swimming trunks. I was laughing as their bubbles stopped surfacing.  Karate Kyle

Bear Gryll wants to drink his own piss I made him drink my piss

Bear Gryll wants to drink his own piss I made him drink my piss  Karate Kyle

he grabbed my boom! headshot penis

he grabbed my  boom! headshot penis  Karate Kyle

They made fun of my glasses i put my foot up their asses

They made fun of my glasses i put my foot up their asses  Karate Kyle

They gave me looks and stares Now they all move in chairs

They gave me looks and stares Now they all move in chairs  Karate Kyle

They took away my site I took away their sight

They took away my site I took away their sight  Karate Kyle

They didn't acknowledge the humor in my memes I didn't acknowledge their cries for forgiveness.

They didn't acknowledge the humor in my memes I didn't acknowledge their cries for forgiveness.   Karate Kyle

They said i was too much like Karate Kyle I proved them right

They said i was too much like Karate Kyle I proved them right  Karate Kyle
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