Karate Kyle

They hurt me I cried

They hurt me I cried  Karate Kyle

They told me I wasn't good enough. I showed them how bad I could be.

They told me I wasn't good enough. I showed them how bad I could be.  Karate Kyle

they tagged a horse on facebook with my name i tagged their faces with my blade

they tagged a horse on facebook with my name i tagged their faces with my blade  Karate Kyle

They used to call me names so i decided to mod for wj

They used to call me names so i decided to mod for wj  Karate Kyle

Anneystole my funny picture I went and stole her soul

Anneystole my funny picture I went and stole her soul  Karate Kyle

He called me retarded They called him a corpse

He called me retarded They called him a corpse  Karate Kyle

i will

 i will <br /> your <head></head!>  Karate Kyle

They said I was Weak No one's Seen them in a week

They said I was Weak No one's Seen them in a week  Karate Kyle

Antes hacia Karate-kimura Ahora trolleo con mi POrsche

Antes hacia Karate-kimura Ahora trolleo con mi POrsche  Karate Kyle

They laughed at me for taking bubble baths now i bathe in their blood

They laughed at me for taking bubble baths now i bathe in their blood  Karate Kyle
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