Judgmental Bookseller Ostrich

this isn't a library. Pay for that book or leave.

this isn't a library. Pay for that book or leave.  Judgmental Bookseller Ostrich

You want Sarah Palin's "Book?" Die in a fire.

You want Sarah Palin's

When will that new release be in paperback? The future.

When will that new release be in paperback? The future.  Judgmental Bookseller Ostrich

Hi Goodlooking How about a kiss

Hi Goodlooking How about a kiss  Judgmental Bookseller Ostrich

The "REAL" Necronomicon? I could show you but then I would have to sacrifice you to the Great Old Ones.


You want to read "The Deathly Hallows Part 2"? Try the library. They have colorful carpet and a nice lady who will read it to you.

You want to read

No, I'm sorry... Your professor did not send me your reading list. I'm assuming they expected you to know it.

No, I'm sorry... Your professor did not send me your reading list.  I'm assuming they expected you to know it.  Judgmental Bookseller Ostrich

Hello I'm filthy and i'm so fucking hot and slut grrr call 01-fuck-my-little-ass

Hello I'm filthy and i'm so fucking hot and slut grrr call 
01-fuck-my-little-ass  Judgmental Bookseller Ostrich

You want a FIRST edition of "The Iliad"? Sure. You build the fire, and I'll warm up my voice. I hope my ancient Greek's not too rusty. Caption 3 goes here

You want a FIRST edition of

Sex positions section? right over there next to the "stale love life" novellas

Sex positions section? right over there next to the
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