Jubal Early Logic

We live in a country that refuses to grant basic marriage rights to the very soldiers who die to defend them ... Does that seem right to you?

We live in a country that refuses to grant basic marriage rights to the very soldiers who die to defend them ... Does that seem right to you?   Jubal Early Logic

Stephenie Meyer writes five books and gets six movies. ... Does that seem right to you? John Ringo has over 30 novels and not a single motion picture...

Stephenie Meyer writes five books and gets six movies. ... Does that seem right to you? John Ringo has over 30 novels and not a single motion picture...  Jubal Early Logic

Jersey Shore has been cancelled. ... That seems right to me. Fiferefly has finally been avenged.

Jersey Shore has been cancelled. ... That seems right to me. Fiferefly has finally been avenged.  Jubal Early Logic

If you have ever taken a flying lesson you are in an FBI database as a potential terrorist. ... Does that seem right to you? but you can buy 6000 rounds of ammunition on the internet and they will never know until you kill 12 people.

If you have ever taken a flying lesson you are in an FBI database as a potential terrorist. ... Does that seem right to you? but you can buy 6000 rounds of ammunition on the internet
and they will never know
until you kill 12 people.  Jubal Early Logic

5 more zippers and i'd be thriller

5 more zippers and i'd be thriller    Jubal Early Logic

hot dogs come in packs of 10 ... Does that seem right to you? and buns come in packs of 8

hot dogs come in packs of 10 ... Does that seem right to you? and buns come in packs of 8  Jubal Early Logic

Reavers are totatly insane, cannibalistic, and berserk ... Does that seem right to you? But they they can maintain an organized and dangerous space fleet

Reavers are totatly insane, cannibalistic, and berserk ... Does that seem right to you? But they they can maintain an organized and dangerous space fleet  Jubal Early Logic

At home you can close and lock a solid door while doing your business. ... Does that seem right to you? But in public the stalls have 3/4 doors that you can see past.

At home you can close and lock a solid door while doing your business. 

 ... Does that seem right to you? But in public the stalls have 3/4 doors that you can see past.  Jubal Early Logic

Took the time to read anyways ... Does that seem right to you? Pretty sure memes are supposed to be short...

Took the time to read anyways ... Does that seem right to you? Pretty sure memes are supposed to be short...  Jubal Early Logic
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